Yana this touched my soul deeply. First of all your I love how your Father and Mother chos.e love and each other despite the opinions of others. Love supersedes what family, friends or anyone says.
I also love Harry and Meghan's love story. Those two love each other. There's no doubt about that. That brother gave up royalty for her.
Also I can relate because I've shared a beautiful love with someone from my 20s. It was an interracial relationship and there's nothing more taboo than a black man and white woman together. If you read any of my pieces about love or epic love that was her. Unfortunately her parents weren't as progressive about us and even though she never admitted I think that,sa why we broke up. I didn't do anything wrong. I got one of those it's not you it's me speeches. We became friends and she's actually a faithful reader of mine. Its nice that we are still in touch after all of these years. I really experienced how amazing a relationship could be.