Wow. I think corporal punishment is so barbaric. I'm not surprised that the country that has a booming prison industry has 19 states where it's still legal. We have a lot of great things about our country but we definitely don't need to act like we're better than anyone. Fear, violence, control...among other atrocious things that I don't even have to mention is in the soil.
My mother was beat by 3 husbands in a row. When I was growing up getting hit with a switch or belt was normal. I never liked violence. I don't like corporal punishment either. It's oppressive and doesn't make better human beings.
My male cousins made me fight them just to make me "tough". Who were they to make me fight or put there hands on me? I didn't want fight. I'm soft because I don't want to fight? I work a job where I've stopped and deescalated fights because my clients trust me. I was that calm relaxing voice of reason. I care. I don't care if this sounds super cliche' but we need more love.