Member-only story
Two Hundred
It was reaching a milestone of 200 published stories and giving you the 12 pivotal stories that took me from June 2020 to the present.
Well, it looks like I made it. Finally, this is my 200th published article.
I started my Medium journey in June 2020. I remember being so mesmerized as a reader initially because I would get the notifications, and everything that would pop up was a good read.
I was attracted to the aesthetic of a black background and big text as it was easy reading on the eyes, and it was the very first time in a long time I was excited about reading again. Little did I know reading would be my gateway back into writing.
By 2020, the last time I was in the writing world was 2008. I was on a 10-year music production journey and didn't think I would ever return to writing again.
The destiny God places in you will always find a way back to you.
Your gift will make room for you.
A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.