Tiffany you wouldn't believe how relatable this article is to me. Every bit of it is. I've been a caregiver for 18 years. My employee calls it Direct support professional. I've had many times where I hated my job and hated going to work but that life became too mundane.
So I changed my attitude. I took accountability. I probably could be making multi millions and millions for what's in my mind but like most I've been worst enemy. My job is easy and now they pay a lot better so it's easy to get comfortable. I know how it feels to get paid for my creative skills because I produced albums from 2007 to 2015. I had a window to really stack money and never look back at working for someone.
How? For 5 years I was the most in demand producer for the poetry with music genre. Not tooting my horn but the genre was no genre until I breathed new life into it and made poets excited to make albums. Plus poets were getting fans who weren't even into poetry. I had artists lined up. Also I produced artists remotely across the country 10 years before the pandemic. So what went wrong?
1.) I didn't have enough music ffor the demand. I was literally building albums from stratch.
2.) I had a wife (Ex now) that was zero help financially. Her focus was getting her kids where they needed to be and not getting a job to help us. She magically got a job as soon as we separated. If I was able to produce without the stress of paying all of the bills we would've soared together.
3.) The poetry community were fickle and disloyal. I gave so many classic albums and many never came back to do sophomore albums. Like I said I had window to build when I was hot.
Tiffany I hope you don't mind tthat I wrote this. I always feel safe and not judged when I comment on your work and share my story. I know what it felt like to work for myself and I went right back to working a full time job.
I'm not blaming anyone but if I was with the right woman the job I'm ar would've been in the rearview 10 years ago. Being with the right person when your building is crucial. When I went through divorce I had to sell my equipment just to pay the bills.
Am I happy now working for someone else? I stay hopeful because I believe God had to teach me something. I believe greater things await. I had to learn how to have gratitude even though I'm not living the life of my dreams right now. When I get there I will have such a deep level of appreciation that God will get all of the glory when I step into that wonderful new chapter of life.
Tiffany I pray that you also find what you love to do and get paid for it as well. I pray that vision planted deep down inside of you will keep growing to the point it can't dwell inside of you no more. It has to come forth and overtake your life. Let it manifest and your dreams become a reality.