This is spot on. Most men are oo shamed to admit addiction. I'm not. For me realizing that real sex with a real woman is better. If you have no control over it's not good. If you have a fetish it's not good and if you use it as a stress reliever it's not good. The urge always comes knocking. My first step was blocking it from all of my devices. The next level is block it and allow another person to have the password. Once you 're addicted you can't do it alone. Life is better without it. You will waste so many of your days away. It's such a low vibrational existence. I know I lived it. You know what destroys lust? Love. Loving someone and loving a gift of yours that gives you purpose in this world. When that fills up those empty spaces porn will have no more room to dwell anymore. Thank you so much for writing this. If you are on Twitter I would love to share it. I'm @popthewriter