There's always two ways to look at things. You can embrace the change with optimism or you can allow doom and gloom and scarcity to invade your brain. I'm not saying that as a knock your article. I actually appreciate you informing me because I didn't know. I'm actually talking about how I use to think.
I remember when something good happened for me instead of being being happy I thought about stressful things. I would get a large sum of money and I would think about all the bills I would have to pay.
Or I would get in a new relationship and instead of just enjoying her because of past dissapointments I find things wrong to self sabotage. You get the point.
This is what I hope. The MMP program and the new tips can both thrive together and one won't take away from the other. Am I excited about the tips? I'm kind of neutral. Before I sabaotage my tips i'll say i'm opem to abundance.