The beautiful thing about articles like yours is if the reader is really honest with themselves it will either resonate with them or expose something in them. For me it did the latter. I have an interesting relationship with empaths. I know some that are very guarded and self absorbed. That bothers me. I hear the word empath thrown around a lot and I see just the opposite. Indifference. Coldness. I’m exploring why that is such a trigger for me. The irony is that I have just the flip side of that in my life. Maybe I’m self absorbed? It may be a fear of mine because I’ve experienced so many indifferent women. I don’t know. I feel you on your robot statement. I call them mindless cliche' speakers. Everything you wrote I understand because my mother is an empath. I just told her today to invest in herself because she’s put others first her whole life. I’m comfortable her sharing her emotions with me but with myself i’m uncomfortable with sharing mine with her. Why? I don’t want solutions when I feel something. I just want to feel and be. Don’t rush my process. I apologize if I made this about me but your article made me think deep. It made me look in the mirror. I was that guy was all about me in a relationship. Selfish and controlling.Yep. I’ve evolved and come a long way. Sometimes the relationship between men and women hurts my heart. It feels like we don’t like each other. Like everyone wants to be alone. Ok…let me stop before I write an article 😂.
You’re an in tune writer Yana. I always like tapping into your frequency. Great job.