Most men don't like to admit going through this because of the shame that comes along with this but it helps seeing other men make it on the other side of the highly addictive monster called porn.
Really it's an every day choice to stay away from it because the images, triggers and stimulation are beyond those websites. They are all around us everywhere. It's been in my life since I was a child and I have to make a concious descision to abstain from it. One day at a time. It's one dark rabbit hole that'll turn into abyss. You know exactly what I mean. I'm glad you focused on the things about your life that's better without it. I agree with all 4.
I like number 4 because I personally love having a healthy and deep relationship with women. It's so much more fullfilling. Porn is the low hanging fruit. It isolates you.There's nothing in this world more euphoric than intellectually and spiritually connectiing with a woman. Also for me being productive in my craft makes me feel good about myself.
In all for me natural dopamine that you get through everyday positives experiences is better for me.
Thanks for writing this.