I've seen Sound City and Back and Forth with the latter being my favorite. I want to see Studio 666 because from listening to the audiobook it's based on a true story. So it's on my list to watch. Dave's a brilliant filmaker. I'm also a producer who knows how to edit and score short film so I watch everything Dave does. He's probably my biggest inspiration because he's a rockstar that wants to live.
I was 19 when I heard Lithium. I didn't hear Smells like teen spirit first. When I heard Lithium it changed everything. My musical tase was contained in this small house and Nirvana was the storm that blew off the roof. When I the roof was gone all I saw was a sky full of galaxies. That's when my 90's music journey began. The rest is history.
Am am I your first follower? It's cool having a reader that doesn't haven't any work posted yet. That's nice for a change. If you don't mind me asking how did you come upon this article? The reason why i'm asking this article is my most successful external reach article. It connected with many outside of the walls of Medium. I plan on promoting it more because it's actually one of my favorite stories of mine. I like The Storyteller so much I dargged it oy listening to it for about 6 months while walking. I wrote about it multiple times.