It's interesting I'm a Gen Xer born in the 70s and you definitely seem like you were born in my generation. I remember dating before the Internet and social media. To me choices were limited. What if you live in those times and you're so different you don't match with the local choices? Most of my girlfriends came from meeting them at work. Working a job where there was a lot of college kids and diversity was my precursor to the internet. Technology has opened the opportunities of meeting like minds and don't have to be stuck in the same pool of choices that you were stuck with pre Internet. Your parents story is romantic and lovely. I could've had a story like that but my local girlfriends are girls I grew up with never looked back or were married. Anyway this is a new day. It's not supposed to be like back then. It's transformed into something new and it's up to us all to make the best of it. Yes there's many cons, but there's also pros. You definitely would've loved dating in the nineties.