I'm not a fan of dating either. It's awkward. Date night when you're already know someone is much better. The question is how do you get to know each other? Dinner and movie where one place has food, distractions and people all around and the other is dark with surround sound. Some people just use dates to get a free meal and you never see them again. Times have changed. Dating shouldn't be locked into one thing. Getting to know each other is whatever you want or to be. Not society and what everyone is doing. The first thing that attracts me is a woman that organically goes against the grain. Not in a boisterous I'm not taking the " jab" way. Subtle. Cool. Original. I think what you said about friends is perfect. I use to hate the idea of being put in the friend zone. These days? I love it. I'll put myself in the friend zone for you. It's peaceful.