I'll be honest the pedestal thing is true and very difficult for me to change? Why? I love and adore women. Genuinely. As friends or lovers. I do understand the balance that's necessary. I try to compliment her on things she don't hear as much. You have to pay attention to find out those things. So when I do compliment her on her looks it feels organic.
Calling you beautiful and giving you so many external complimentsi is going to feel simplike and awkward if done too much. Women aren't attracted to desperate men. Balance. Most of the women who really want me it's because they feel safe being themselves, I'm not being weird or suspect. I'm being myself by having a normal human conversation.
I believe women love authentic men who are focused with a purpose. I have much more wisdom and confidence in who I am these days. I have a close female friend who once called me a good man. I recently appeared on her podcast she said my demeanor was sexy. There's shift in how she sees me. I don't believe women use the term sexy for men lightly. That seems reserved for physical or mental attraction. I could be wrong, just a gut feeling.
Anyway I think your article is spot on. When quality women give tips on what they like and dislike I listen.