I can relate having a job that can be mentally draining. There used to be no boundary between work and home. I used to allow supervisors to much access to me when I was off. Then one day I started to put my phone on do not disturb for my own sanity. I had begin to look at work and outside of work as a battlefield. My strongest weapons in the war of hating my job is prayer, positivity and most importantly sleep . Let me tell you something. Without sleep everything that plagues you at that job will win. This is coming from a guy who hated my job with every ounce in my body and being. My self care and dreams outside of that job started becoming bigger than the low vibration of feeling trapped in a dead end job. Remember in The Grinch that stole Christmas The Grinch heart was very small and grew when he gave back the presents? Well your heart is your hopes and dreams and they are the presents you have to give to yourself everyday. I commend you for being so transparent with your emotions and feelings. Very healthy. Going to therapy too? You know what that is? That's called action. I'm so proud and inspired by the millennial generation. The generation that I'm in (X) didn't have the same tools. Sex, relationships and all kinds of other vices is how we coped with our issues. That led to so many toxic relationships. Keep writing. One day your God given gift will afford your freedom and options. You're going to have to fight for it though. Remember get some sleep. Take melatonin if you have to. Your brain and body needs a chance to restore and renew. If you don't remember anything remember your joy and love for what you do will give you the victory. It's your light in the darkness. Another way of finding light is to be a light. Your writing and story will help others going through something similar. That's purposeful. It gets you out of yourself and puts you into the service frequency. Helping others is the highest vibration. Give and it shall come back to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over.