I appreciate this article. It's nice this coming a woman too. I went through this years ago and I didn't even know it had a name. I went through blatant emotional abuse and there's been lot of subtle abuse as well. Honestly stress alone can take us men down. At some point we have to realize that we don't have to be treated this way. I took years away from relationships just to be able reflect, be introspective and gain wisdom. I've learned many life lessons. I don't blame anyone. I took my life back and I don't put up with anything that I feel is toxic. It's not worth it. I My peace is priceless. I take accountability for how I allow women to treat me but I also feel women need to hold themselves accountable for treating men with no respect. Ask yourself. Would you like to be treated this way? Empathy works both way.s. Great article. It's so needed.