Hello May I love your writing and I have to catch up on your brilliant articles. In my opinion accountability is a very attractive trait in a person. Unfortunately in my journey I haven't experienced much of it but as my network has broadened and i'm finding my tribe I'm finding more and more like minds like yourself. You were honest and I respect that. As a black american i've seen many men in my race desire lighter skinned black women, mixed women, asian or exotic. Me? I'm attracted to a beautiful mind and great personality.. I celebrate the beauty of women in all shades and races. Women are a gift period. I know a lot about the friend zone because I was put in it many times. I didn't fit the typical stereotype of a black guy which is ridiculous. I'm glad we're all moving away from the stereotypes that we were conditioned with. One race should not have a monopoly on beauty.. There's so many wonderful layers of the human experience and i'm glad entertainment is starting to represent what the world really looks like. I think this was a courageous piece to write. It should make us all want to evolve and do better. Elevate our mindsets.