Ginger!!! Lord have mercy. Who done let Ginger loose again? lmao.
This was so funny because there's absolutely NO shame in your game. You even had synoyms for the D. Probably the most detailed and despriptive article I've ever read on the cocky contour of a man's heather grey sweatpants. Damn woman you know your stuff!
Look, i'm flattered that I was in your semi tag but i'm very shy and modest about that stuff.. I wear dark grey, blue and black sweatpants.. I've seen women's eyes wonder south before and I just felt so violated that I was too distracted to look at their nice booty as they walked away.
Ginger I know you have eagle eyes but it seem like you may have more than that. You have a BDE detector too huh? Shhhh don't reveal your secrets LOL