Gabby my dear friend. I'm sorry you had to go through such verbal abuse. You know that was test, right? It's a test that will keep coming until you pass. All you can control is your reaction to things. Don't let ANYONE pull you into their abyss. He was projecting. Don't get sucked into his vortex of negativity. Yes, you deserve respect, and you respect yourself. When disrespect happens, all you can do is address how you were treated on the spot. If you tried to address him there, that's all you can do. All of that yelling at screaming at him isn't doing anything. Why vibrate low on his level? You're an eagle, love. Don't be in the coop with chickens. You are too sublime and classy woman. Very loving, empathic, intelligent, and gifted. Write out your feelings, and then keep it moving. If someone can trigger you, then they have control over you. Don't do all of that petty retribution nonsense. You're better than that. Be still. Be quiet, and you'll hear God's whispers. Pass the test.