B.J. one thing I notice about your writing is once I start I don't stop until the end . That's a great sign. I kept coming back to you in the building overlooking the Dallas skyline for some reason. I was that immersed in the picture that you so vividly painted.
You know I have multiple poets that I share a similar style with but when I read your work I actually see myself. Beyond the artist and writer. I see me.
It makes sense. In some divine way our paths connected. The this or that new year's challenge was unlike the kind of writing I do on Medium. I mean everyone digs my style but I'm really artsy, introspective and philosophical in my approach.
In writing the News Teaea Tot challenge everyone loved to know that I liked burgers, fries and root beer 😂. I think think the readers liked getting to know the simple things about me. I thank Penny ( Penelope ayfield) for tagging me and I thank you for creating a safe space for us to just be us.
Keep dreaming.B.J. This dreamer sees his reflection in you .